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May 2024 Newsletter

An event flyer for San Mateo County Mosquito & Vector Control District's open house on 15 June 2024, from 12-4 PM. Address is 1351 Rollins Rd, Burlingame.

District 2024 Open House

We are excited to invite you to our 2024 Open House! The Open House will be held at our facilities (1351 Rollins Road, Burlingame) on Saturday, June 15th from 12-4pm. Visit HERE to learn more and sign up for updates.

We hope to see you here!

Photograph of a person peering into a hole in a tree.
Vector Control Technician David checks a treehole for mosquito larvae.


Western Treehole Mosquitoes are Active

We've been receiving a lot of calls about day-biting mosquitoes, especially from people who live in or near wooded areas. The samples we've identified in the laboratory are Aedes sierrensis, the western treehole mosquito. Spring is the start of their season, and as their name suggests, these mosquitoes lay their eggs in the cavities of oaks and several other types of trees. Treehole mosquito larvae can also be found in discarded tires or containers where plant debris and water have accumulated. Learn more about these mosquitoes and how to prevent them HERE.

A crane fly, which is an insect that looks very similar to a mosquito, with long thin light-colored wings and a long head. Crane flies have very long legs!
Crane flies are a commonly confused insect during the spring and summer.

Mosquito Look-Alikes are Out!

We've also been receiving a lot of calls about 'giant mosquitoes' (crane flies), 'swarms of mosquitoes' (midges), and many other insects that are commonly confused for mosquitoes. This spring has been particularly busy with insect life. We can help you identify insects if you can provide a sample, and you can learn more about many of the look-alikes HERE.

Photograph of various papers with words including: tick-bite prevention, insect repellent, common ticks of California, tick-bite prevention kit. A pair of orange tweezers, a yellow device for removing ticks, and two packets of insect repellent wipes.
Tick-bite prevention kits include a variety of resources to help protect you from tick bites and the diseases they can transmit.

Tick-bite Prevention Kits Now Available

Do you live in San Mateo County? Do you spend time outdoors in natural areas? Would you like a no-cost tick bite prevention kit? Click HERE to learn more and request a kit.

Board News

Two people, one holding a certificate, smiling, indoors. One person is wearing a blue shirt and dark rimmed glasses. The other person is wearing a dark suit with a grey shirt and tie.

Colma trustee, Laura Walsh

Board Trustee Laura Walsh, received recognition from Colma's Town Council for serving as Colma's representative on the District's Board since 2020. Colma Mayor John Goodwin remarked, "Laura Walsh has been the Town’s representative for the San Mateo County Mosquito Vector Control District for the past several years. In that time, she has put out information to the Council, and therefore, to the residents of the Town, about services that the Vector Control District provides... The volunteer position doesn’t come with many platitudes, but she attends every meeting and does a good job in her role as the Town’s representative with the District. We appreciate your work, Laura. Thank you!"

Brisbane trustee, Carolyn Parker

The District was saddened to learn of the passing of Board Trustee Carolyn Parker, who had served as the City of Brisbane's representative to the District's Board since 2017. Carolyn was a dedicated Board member, an active community member, and an avid environmentalist. Her contributions to the District's oversight were thorough and thoughtful, two characteristics particularly valuable in the development and oversight of government policy and finance. We are grateful for Carolyn's many years of service, and her presence on the Board will be missed.


Staff News

Several staff attended conferences over the past few months. Attending conferences allows us to stay up-to-date on novel and emerging mosquito and vector control research and methods. Staff members Angie and Arielle attended the American Mosquito Control Association meeting in Dallas, while staff members Ryan, Vanessa, Eric, Justin, and Rachel attended the Vertebrate Pest Conference in Monterey. Staff earned CEU credits for attending presentations on key topics, which allows our staff to keep their CDPH vector control technician certifications active.

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