District Policy 1020 - Adoption or Amendment of Policies
District Policy 1020 - Adoption/Amendment of Policies
1020.10 Consideration by the Board of Trustees of a proposal to adopt a new Board or employee policy or to amend an existing policy may be initiated by any Trustee, or by the Manager. The proposed adoption or amendment may be initiated by submitting a request for policy adoption or revision with a description to the Manager, or by submitting a written draft of the proposed adopted or amended to the Policy Committee.
1020.20 Copies of the revised draft or new policy shall be included in the agenda information packet for any Board meeting at which it is to be considered. To the greatest extent possible, proposed new or revised policies shall be made available to each Trustee for review at least three (3) days prior to any Board meeting at which they are to be considered. Trustees shall have the opportunity to review the proposed adoption or amendment at the regular scheduled Board of Trustees meeting.
1020.30 Adoption of a new policy or amendment of an existing policy shall take place at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees and shall require a 2/3 affirmative vote of the entire Board of Trustees.
Issued: July 10, 2002
Revised: May 29, 2012
Legal Review: May 29, 2012
Board Review and Approval: October 19, 2016 (no changes)