Meeting 6pm
Meeting of the Board of Trustees
November 8, 2023 - 6:00 PM
A PDF of the meeting agenda and packet can be found at the end of this page.
All public members seeking to observe and/or to address the local legislative body in person or otherwise electronically can do so in the manner described below.
In-person: Regular meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be held on the 2nd Wednesday of each calendar month at 6:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the San Mateo County Mosquito and Vector Control District, 1351 Rollins Road, Burlingame, California.
All Trustees must attend the meeting in person unless a valid exception applies under AB 2449 or existing Brown Act requirements.
Telephone: Listen to the meeting via Zoom at (408) 636-0968 or (669) 900-6833. Enter the Meeting ID# 650-344-8592 followed by the pound (#) key. If the line is busy, more phone numbers can be found on Zoom’s website at Computer: Watch the live streaming of the meeting from a computer by navigating to using a computer with internet access that meets Zoom’s system requirements (see Mobile: Log in through the Zoom mobile app on a smartphone and enter Meeting ID# 650-344-8592.
Live Participation: Public comments may be made by members of the public via Zoom. During the meeting, the Board President or designee will publicly announce the opportunity to comment. Use the “raise hand” feature (or press *9 to “raise hand” on the phone) during the public comment period for the agenda item you wish to address. The Zoom host will call on people to speak by the name provided or the last four digits of the phone number for dial-in attendees.
Written Comments: Public comments may be submitted by email to, write “Public Comment” in the subject line. In the body of the email, include the agenda item number and title, as well as your comments. If you want your comment read aloud at the meeting (not to exceed three minutes at staff’s cadence), prominently write “Read Aloud at Meeting” at the top of the email. All comments received before 12:00 PM, the day of the meeting, will be included as an agenda supplement on the District’s website under the relevant meeting date and provided to the Trustees at the meeting. Comments received after this time will be read aloud at the meeting.
ACCESSIBILITY INFORMATION: Board Meetings are accessible to people with disabilities and others who need assistance. Individuals who need special assistance or a disability-related modification or accommodation (including auxiliary aids or services) to observe and/or participate in this meeting and access meeting-related materials should contact Brian Weber, District Manager, at least 48 hours before the meeting at (650) 344-8592 or Advanced notification will enable the District to resolve such requests to ensure accessibility swiftly.
PUBLIC RECORDS: Public records that relate to any item on the open session agenda for a meeting are available for public inspection. Those records distributed after the agenda posting deadline for the meeting are available for public inspection at the same time they are distributed to all or a majority of the members of the Board. The Board has designated the District’s website at as the place to make those public records available for inspection. The documents may also be obtained by calling the District Manager.
CEQA NOTICE: Unless expressly stated otherwise on the agenda (that an MND or EIR is being considered), discretionary actions taken on agenda items will include a finding by the Board that the action is exempt under CEQA. More information about the CEQA determination can be found in the corresponding staff report.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
- Announcements/Consideration and Approval of Requests by Trustees to Participate Remotely Pursuant to AB 2449 (Government Code 54943(f)). Information about the requirements of AB-2449 can be found at the following link. Bill Text - AB-2449 Open meetings: local agencies: teleconferences
- Trustee Parker will attend remotely pursuant to ADA accommodation.
- The Secretary of the Board will take roll call.
4. Public Comments and Announcements
- This time is reserved for public members to address the Board relative to matters of the District, not on the agenda. No action may be taken on non-agenda items unless authorized by law. Comments will be limited to three minutes per person (or six minutes where a translator is used). Speaker cards are available for those making a public comment.
5. Consent Calendar
- All items on the Consent Calendar will be considered by one (or more) action(s) of the Board unless any Trustee would like to discuss any item listed, in which case, it may be pulled from the Consent Calendar.
A. Meeting Minutes
- Minutes from October 11, 2023
B. Resolutions
- Resolution M-026-2023 Honoring Ed Degliantoni
- Resolution M-027-2023 Addressing Disruptive Comments During Public Comment Period
B. Purchases
- Purchase of an FS-Guard 300 Pro fire pump skid for the application of larvicides from F/S Manufacturing sales for $10,922.64
- Purchase of a 3-year multi-instrument service contract from Life Technologies/Thermo Fisher for $37,957 to maintain the laboratory PCR machine and other specialized equipment
ACTION: Motion to approve the Consent Calendar
Regular Agenda
6. Board Committee Reports
The Chair of each committee listed below will provide a report on the committee’s actions and present any recommendations to the Board.
A. Finance Committee Report
- Finance Committee Report – October 30, 2023
- Report by: Mason Brutschy, Committee Chair
B. Presentation of June 30, 2023, Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
- Report by: Ahmed Badawi, CPA of Badawi and Associates.
- ACTION: Approve final draft of the June 30, 2023, Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
C. Review the Financial Report for FY 2023-24 as of September 30, 2023
- Report by: Finance Director, Richard Arrow, CPA
- ACTION: Motion to approve Financial Report FY 2023-24 as of September 30, 2023
D. Receive a PowerPoint presentation from Capital Program Management (CPM), Inc. and consider authorizing the District Manager to enter into an agreement with CPM for a not-to-exceed amount of $25,000 to finalize the conceptual design phase for 1415 N Carolan Ave.
- Report by: Sharon Thomas, AIA – Senior Project Manager, and Brian Weber, District Manager
- ACTION: Motion to approve an agreement with CPM for a not-to-exceed amount of $25,000 to finalize the conceptual design phase for 1415 N Carolan Ave.
E. Board Officer Nominee Statements and Slate Approval
- Report by: Donna Rutherford, Committee Chair
7. Staff Reports
A. Operations Director Casey Stevenson will provide an update on Field Operations.
B. Laboratory Director Angie Nakano will provide an update on Laboratory activities.
C. Public Health Education and Outreach Officer Rachel Curtis-Robles will provide a presentation on the District Public Outreach Program.
D. Information & Technology Director Matthew Nienhuis will update the District technology matters.
8. Manager’s Report
- Manager Weber will provide an update on relevant District information.
9. Closed Session
- PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION (Gov. Code section 54957(b)(1).) Title: District Title: District Manager (Gov. Code section 54957(b))
- CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR Unrepresented Employee: District Manager (Gov. Code section 54957.6)
10. Report from Closed Session
11. Resolution M-028-2023 Third Amendment to Manager’s Employment Agreement
- Report by: Kat Lion, Chair of General Manager Evaluation Committee
- ACTION: Motion to approve the Third Amendment to District Manager Employment Agreement